About the author

Johnson Paul Jogunoori

Professionally being an Advocate in Hyderabad, Telangana, perhaps was not God's intention, so He made me discover my talents as a 'Writer' who might inspire the youth so as to understand that every person is unique in God's plan. Our only duty is to know, understand and submit to His will.
In my life, I was surviving as a junior Advocate in Hyderabad, but I was not satisfied with the meagre income, so I went to the U.S.A. and stayed there for about twenty-five years. That period has taught me a good lesson that "when Man proposes, God dispossesses". The vicissitudes of life in the U.S.A, have made me realize the hard facts of life as to that dreams are just wishes and visions about the future are only known to God; thus, for survival, I was forced to do hard jobs for necessary material benefits which raised in my heart unfulfilled dreams.

Those circumstances were disguised truths instead of dreams.

  • That there is freedom in America, but nothing is free,
  • Patience is the best remedy for most trouble,
  • Seeds of discouragement will nurture only in a disappointed heart,
  • The best way to cheer up oneself is to cheer someone else up,
  • One may be sorry for uttering a bad word, but will never regret a kind one,

Why I wrote the book:

I remember that a long time ago my professor in "Journalism" class had said that we should not strive to get immediate attention and recognition from the public, because the time of bestowal of fame is only known to God, so instead try to know what kind of talent is bestowed on us by the Lord and then try to improve the same to such a level that someday it might become a blessed privilege to some others. Hence, I wrote this book.


When I was about eleven years old, my father died and the next year my mother also died. Since then, my elder brother, late. J. Daniel Paul has taken responsibility for my nurture until I got married and later, he called me even to the U.S.A, where I have lived for about twenty-five years. Before going to America, I was practicing as a junior Advocate, in an area that is dominated by the "Reddy Community and Brahmin caste Community advocates". In America, I was working as a freelance journalist for an Indian Newspaper and also worked part-time as a Cab driver in Chicago city of Illinois State. In order to make good money Cab drivers have to work very hard.

One day in the month of May 2000 A.D, I suffered Heart Attack while on duty and was admitted in the 'Cook County' Hospital, Chicago, and thereby I had to stop working as a Cab driver. That incident made me call out to God with a promise that if I am given a chance to live, I will serve Him as a witness. Hence, I have joined the "Northern Baptist Seminary" in Lombard, a suburb of Chicago. It was a very tough time to pursue my theology while working as a Cab Driver, so I was forced to drop out.

Later on, my elder sister filed for my immigration which I received after a decade's time. Thus, I had to wait for almost eleven years to get legal status. That period was a testing time for my patience, belief, and sustenance in the power of God Almighty. During that period as promised earlier I have surrendered myself to God and thereby Rev. Dr. Samuel A. Vallabdas, has ordained me as an associate pastor in his church in Chicago. My life has changed from an occasional church attendee to a servant of God, since then I am serving the Lord even after returning to India after being in America for twenty-five years.